opening hours : 08:00 am - 09:00 pm
Location : 55 main street, new york

Support Network

Support Network

One of the key reasons behind the success of the Saburritos brand is the solid support network and robust processes in operation. The support services to be provided by Saburritos as Franchisor will include:
  • The organisation of key suppliers to provide quality products at a good discount.
  • The supply of an EPOS system (to be paid for by Franchisee), which provides full information down-line on the Key Performance Indicators of the business. These include: Turnover Split of the all items of sale Cost of Sales
  • Annual update of the total menu – typically involving 2 or 3 changes.
  • Maintaining a good website presence.
  • The on-going reliable supply of world class products which are made to the Saburritos requirements.
  • Provision of recipes for the production of each dish
  • Maintaining a good communication with franchisees to ensure a two-way flow of information in the best interest of business development.
  • The ongoing updating of the Manuals to ensure that the business system, in its most updated form is available to the franchisee.
  • Visits from the Support office team throughout the year
  • The organisation of key suppliers to provide quality products at a good discount.
  • The supply of an EPOS system (to be paid for by Franchisee), which provides full information down-line on the Key Performance Indicators of the business. These include: Turnover Split of the all items of sale Cost of Sales
  • Annual update of the total menu – typically involving 2 or 3 changes.
  • Maintaining a good website presence.
  • The on-going reliable supply of world class products which are made to the Saburritos requirements.
  • Provision of recipes for the production of each dish
  • Maintaining a good communication with franchisees to ensure a two-way flow of information in the best interest of business development.
  • The ongoing updating of the Manuals to ensure that the business system, in its most updated form is available to the franchisee.
  • Visits from the Support office team throughout the year
  • Great training

    All new Saburritos franchisees are required to attend a two-week training course in Dublin ahead of opening their own stores. This intensive training programme provides you with an overview of operating a Saburritos store and running a business, including in-store sessions. On completion of the training, franchisees are well-equipped to take the next steps in opening their own store. Similar training programmes are available for Saburritos store managers as well.

    Marketing and Advertising

    At Saburritos our marketing is 100% consumer focused. We engage with our customers through many different mediums to determine what they want, what they like and don’t like, and most importantly what they are looking for when they make the choice to visit Saburritos.

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